The History of a Crime

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large square room lighted by two windows overlooking the great inner yard  
of the Concièrgerie, furnished with a few leather chairs, a large table  
covered with green cloth, and with law books lining the walls from the  
floor to the ceiling.  
This room, as may be seen, is the most secluded and the best hidden of  
any in the Palace.  
It was here,--in this room, that there arrived successively on the 2d  
December, towards eleven o'clock in the morning, numerous men dressed in  
black, without robes, without badges of office, affrighted, bewildered,  
shaking their heads, and whispering together. These trembling men were  
the High Court of Justice.  
The High Court of Justice, according to the terms of the Constitution,  
was composed of seven magistrates; a President, four Judges, and two  
Assistants, chosen by the Court of Cassation from among its own members  
and renewed every year.  
In December, 1851, these seven judges were named Hardouin, Pataille,  
Moreau, Delapalme, Cauchy, Grandet, and Quesnault, the two last-named  
being Assistants.  
These men, almost unknown, had nevertheless some antecedents. M. Cauchy,  
a few years previously President of the Chamber of the Royal Court of  
Paris, an amiable man and easily frightened, was the brother of the  
mathematician, member of the Institute, to whom we owe the computation of  
waves of sound, and of the ex-Registrar Archivist of the Chamber of  

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