The History of a Crime

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And I would drag you there also, all of you accomplices! This Morny,  
this Romieu, this Fould, the Jew senator, this Delangle, who bears on  
his back this placard: JUSTICE! and this Troplong, this judicial  
glorifier of the violation of the laws, this lawyer apologist of the  
coup d'état, this magistrate flatterer of perjury, this judge  
panegyrist of murder, who will go down to posterity with a sponge filled  
with mud and with blood in his hand.  
I begin the battle therefore. With whom? With the present ruler of  
Europe. It is right that this spectacle should be given to the world.  
Louis Bonaparte is the success, is the intoxicated triumph, is the gay  
and ferocious despotism, opening out under the victory, he is the mad  
fulness of power, seeking limits and finding none, neither in things nor  
in men; Louis Bonaparte holds France, Urbem Roman habit; and whoever  
holds France holds the world; he is master of the votes, master of the  
consciences, master of the people; he nominates his successor, reigns  
forever over future electoral scrutinies, disposes of eternity, and  
places futurity in an envelope; his Senate, his Legislative Body, his  
Council of State, with heads lowered and mingled confusedly behind him,  
lick his feet; he drags along in a leash the bishops and cardinals; he  
tramples on the justice which curses him, and on the judges who adore  
him, thirty correspondents inform the Continent that he has frowned, and  
every electric telegraph vibrates if he raises his little finger; around  
him is heard the rustling of sabres, and the drums beat the salute; he  
sits under the shadow of the eagle in the midst of bayonets and of  
citadels, the free nations tremble and hide their liberties for fear  
that he should steal them, the great American Republic herself falters  

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