The History of a Crime

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them! It is there! Dishonor, baseness, shame, and opprobrium are there!  
Oh History! A hot iron for all these faces.  
It is there that they amuse themselves, and that they jest, and that  
they banter, and that they make sport of France! It is there that they  
pocket hap-hazard, amid great shouts of laughter, the millions of louis  
and the millions of votes! See them, look at them! They have treated the  
Law like a girl, they are content! Right is slaughtered, Liberty is  
gagged, the flag is dishonored, the people are under their feet. They  
are happy! And who are they? What are these men? Europe knows not. One  
fine morning it saw them come out of a crime. Nothing more. A parcel of  
rascals who vainly tried to become celebrated, and who have remained  
anonymous. Look! they are all there! See them, I tell you! Look at them,  
I tell you! Recognize them if you can. Of what sex are they? To what  
species do they belong? Who is this one? Is he a writer? No; he is a  
dog. He gobbles human flesh. And that one? Is he a dog? No, he is a  
courtier--he has blood on his paw.  
New men, that is what they term them. New, in truth! Unlooked-for,  
strange, unprecedented, monstrous! Perjury, iniquity, robbery,  
assassination, erected into ministerial departments, swindling applied  
to universal suffrage, government under false pretences, duty called  
crime, crime called duty, cynicism laughing in the midst of  
atrocity,--it is of all this that their newness is compounded.  
Now, all is well, they have succeeded, they have a fair wind, they enjoy  
themselves to the full. They have cheated France, they are dividing the  
spoil. France is a bag, and they put their hand in it. Rummage, for  

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