The History of a Crime

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lieutenant." I have related this incident.  
They hoped for the 9th (Tuesday) a resumption of arms, which did not  
take place. Malarmet had announced it to Dupont de Bussac, but the blow  
of the 4th had prostrated Paris. The populace no longer stirred. The  
Representatives did not resolve to think of their safety, and to quit  
France through a thousand additional dangers until several days  
afterwards, when the last spark of resistance was extinguished in the  
heart of the people, and the last glimmer of hope in heaven.  
Several Republican Representatives were workmen; they have again become  
workmen in exile. Nadaud has resumed his trowel, and is a mason in  
London. Faure (du Rhône), a cutler, and Bansept, a shoemaker, felt that  
their trade had become their duty, and practise it in England. Faure  
makes knives, Bansept makes boots. Greppo is a weaver, it was he who  
when a proscript made the coronation robe of Queen Victoria. Gloomy  
smile of Destiny. Noël Parfait is a proof-reader at Brussels; Agricol  
Perdiguier, called Avignonnais-la-Vertu, has girded on his leathern  
apron, and is a cabinet-maker at Antwerp. Yesterday these men sat in the  
Sovereign Assembly. Such things as these are seen in Plutarch.  
The eloquent and courageous proscript, Emile Deschanel, has created at  
Brussels, with a rare talent of speech, a new form of public  
instruction, the Conferences. To him is due the honor of this  
foundation, so fruitful and so useful.  
Let us say in conclusion that the National Legislative Assembly lived  
badly but died well.  

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