The History of a Crime

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assisting either to build them or to defend them. Besides the great  
exploit at Saint Antoine barricade, where Schoelcher was so admirable,  
Esquiros went to the barricade of the Rue de Charonne, De Flotte to  
those of the Pantheon and of the Chapelle Saint Denis, Madier de  
Montjau to those of Belleville and the Rue Aumaire, Doutre and Pelletier  
to that of the Mairie of the Fifth Arrondissement, Brives to that of Rue  
Beaubourg, Arnauld de l'Ariège to that of Rue de Petit-Repîsoir, Viguier  
to that of the Rue Pagevin, Versigny to that of the Rue Joigneaux;  
Dupont de Bussac to that of the Carré Saint Martin; Carlos Forel and  
Boysset to that of the Rue Rambuteau. Doutre received a sword-cut on his  
head, which cleft his hat; Bourzat had four balls in his overcoat;  
Baudin was killed; Gaston Dussoubs was ill and could not come; his  
brother, Denis Dussoubs, replaced him. Where? In the tomb.  
Baudin fell on the first barricade, Denis Dussoubs on the last.  
I was less favored than Bourzat; I only had three balls in my overcoat,  
and it is impossible for me to say whence they came. Probably from the  
After the battle was lost there was no general helter-skelter, no rout,  
no flight. All remained hidden in Paris ready to reappear, Michel in the  
Rue d'Alger, myself in the Rue de Navarin. The Committee held yet  
another sitting on Saturday, the 6th, at eleven o'clock at night. Jules  
Favre, Michel de Bourges, and myself, we came during the night to the  
house of a generous and brave woman, Madame Didier. Bastide came there  
and said to me, "If you are not killed here, you are going to enter upon  
exile. For myself, I am going to remain in Paris. Take me for your  

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