The History of a Crime

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The conduct of the Republican Left in this grave crisis of the 2d of  
December was memorable.  
The flag of the Law was on the ground, in the mire of universal treason,  
under the feet of Louis Bonaparte; the Left raised this flag, washed  
away the mire with its blood, unfurled it, waved it before the eyes of  
the people, and from the 2d to the 5th of December held Bonaparte at  
A few men, a mere handful, 120 Representatives of the people escaped by  
chance from arrest, plunged in darkness and in silence, without even  
possessing that cry of the free press which sounds the tocsin to human  
intellects, and which encourages the combatants, without generals under  
their orders, without soldiers, without ammunition, went down into the  
streets, resolutely barred the way against the coup d'état, and gave  
battle to this monstrous crime, which had taken all its precautions,  
which was mail-clad in every part, armed to the teeth, crowding round it  
forests of bayonets, and making a pack of mortars and cannons give  
tongue in its favor.  
They had that presence of mind, which is the most practical kind of  
courage; they had, while lacking everything else, the formidable  

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