The History of a Crime

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future. Many months before being carried out, the coup d'état had been  
accomplished. The day having come, the hour having struck, the mechanism  
being completely wound up, it had only to be set going. It was bound not  
to fail, and nothing did fail. What would have been an abyss if the  
majority had done its duty, and had understood its joint responsibility  
with the Left, was not even a ditch. The inviolability had been  
demolished by those who were inviolable. The hand of gendarmes had  
become as accustomed to the collar of the Representatives as to the  
collar of thieves: the white tie of the statesman was not even rumpled  
in the grasp of the galley sergeants, and one can admire the Vicomte de  
Falloux--oh, candor!--for being dumfounded at being treated like Citizen  
The majority, going backwards, and ever applauding Bonaparte, fell into  
the hole which Bonaparte had dug for it.  

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