The History of a Crime

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success permits itself everything.  
Facts abound. But we must abridge, we will only present them briefly.  
There were two species of Justice; the Military Commissions and the  
Mixed Commissions.  
The Military Commissions sat in judgment with closed doors. A colonel  
In Paris alone there were three Military Commissions: each received a  
thousand bills of indictment. The Judge of Instruction sent these  
accusations to the Procureur of the Republic, Lascoux, who transmitted  
them to the Colonel President. The Commission summoned the accused to  
appear. The accused himself was his own bill of indictment. They  
searched him, that is to say, they "thumbed" him. The accusing document  
was short. Two or three lines. Such as this, for example,--  
Name. Christian name. Profession. A sharp fellow. Goes to the CafĂ©.  
Reads the papers. Speaks. Dangerous.  
The accusation was laconic. The judgment was still less prolix. It was a  
simple sign.  
The bill of indictment having been examined, the judges having been  
consulted, the colonel took a pen, and put at the end of the accusing  
line one of three signs:--  

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