The History of a Crime

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Justice sometime meets with strange adventures.  
This old phrase assumed a new sense.  
The code ceased to be a safeguard. The law became something which had  
sworn fealty to a crime. Louis Bonaparte appointed judges by whom one  
felt oneself stopped as in the corner of a wood. In the same manner as  
the forest is an accomplice through its density, so the legislation was  
an accomplice by its obscurity. What it lacked at certain points in  
order to make it perfectly dark they added. How? By force. Purely and  
simply. By decree. Sic jubeo. The decree of the 17th of February was a  
masterpiece. This decree completed the proscription of the person, by  
the proscription of the name. Domitian could not have done better. Human  
conscience was bewildered; Right, Equity, Reason felt that the master  
had over them the authority that a thief has over a purse. No reply.  
Obey. Nothing resembles those infamous times.  
Every iniquity was possible. Legislative bodies supervened and instilled  
so much gloom into legislation that it was easy to achieve a baseness in  
this darkness.  
A successful coup d'état does not stand upon ceremony. This kind of  

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