The History of a Crime

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about here which is not firm. I come to ask you to allow me to continue  
my road. Here is my pass."  
He presented the pass to the Custom House officer, the Custom House  
officer read it, found it according to due form, and said to Cournet,--  
"Mr. Inspector, you are free."  
Cournet, delivered from the Belgian gendarmes by French authority,  
hastened to the railway station. He had friends there.  
Quick," he said, "it is dark, but it does not matter, it is even all  
the better. Find me some one who has been a smuggler, and who will help  
me to pass the frontier."  
They brought him a small lad of eighteen; fair-haired, ruddy, hardy, a  
Walloon[35] and who spoke French.  
What is your name?" said Cournet.  
You look like a girl."  
Nevertheless I am a man."  
Is it you who undertake to guide me?"  

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