The History of a Crime

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He reached the frontier at night without hindrance. At Neuvéglise he was  
in Belgium; he believed himself in safety. When asked for his papers he  
caused himself to be taken before the Burgomaster, and said to him, "I  
am a political refugee."  
The Burgomaster, a Belgian but a Bonapartist--this breed is to be  
found--had him at once reconducted to the frontier by the gendarmes, who  
were ordered to hand him over to the French authorities.  
Cournet gave himself up for lost.  
The Belgian gendarmes took him to Armentières. If they had asked for the  
Mayor it would have been all at an end with Cournet, but they asked for  
the Inspector of Customs.  
A glimmer of hope dawned upon Cournet.  
He accosted the Inspector of Customs with his head erect, and shook  
hands with him.  
The Belgian gendarmes had not yet released him.  
Now, sir," said Cournet to the Custom House officer, "you are an  
Inspector of Customs, I am an Inspector of Railways. Inspectors do not  
eat inspectors. The deuce take it! Some worthy Belgians have taken  
fright and sent me to you between four gendarmes. Why, I know not. I am  
sent by the Northern Company to relay the ballast of a bridge somewhere  

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