The History of a Crime

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what concerns me personally is told in a narrative which is one of the  
testaments of exile.[33]  
Notwithstanding the relentless pursuit which was directed against us, I  
did not think it my duty to leave Paris as long as a glimmer of hope  
remained, and as long as an awakening of the people seemed possible.  
Malarmet sent me word in my refuge that a movement would take place at  
Belleville on Tuesday the 9th. I waited until the 12th. Nothing stirred.  
The people were indeed dead. Happily such deaths as these, like the  
deaths of the gods, are only for a time.  
I had a last interview with Jules Favre and Michel de Bourges at Madame  
Didier's in the Rue de la Ville-Lévêque. It was at night. Bastide came  
there. This brave man said to me,--  
"You are about to leave Paris; for myself, I remain here. Take me as  
your lieutenant. Direct me from the depths of your exile. Make use of me  
as an arm which you have in France."  
I will make use of you as of a heart," I said to him.  
On the 14th, amidst the adventures which my son Charles relates in his  
book, I succeeded in reaching Brussels.  
The vanquished are like cinders, Destiny blows upon them and disperses  
them. There was a gloomy vanishing of all the combatants for Right and  
for Law. A tragical disappearance.  

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