The History of a Crime

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fiacres were standing there as usual. We got into the first we came  
Where are we to go?" asked the driver.  
She looked at me.  
I answered,--  
I do not know."  
I know," she said.  
Women always know where Providence lies.  
An hour later I was in safety.  
From the 4th, every day which passed by consolidated the coup d'état.  
Our defeat was complete, and we felt ourselves abandoned. Paris was like  
a forest in which Louis Bonaparte was making a battue of the  
Representatives; the wild beast was hunting down the sportsmen. We heard  
the indistinct baying of Maupas behind us. We were compelled to  
disperse. The pursuit was energetic. We entered into the second phase of  
duty--the catastrophe accepted and submitted to. The vanquished became  
the proscribed. Each one of us had his own concluding adventures. Mine  
was what it should have been--exile; death having missed me. I am not  
going to relate it here, this book is not my biography, and I ought not  
to divert to myself any of the attention which it may excite. Besides,  

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