The History of a Crime

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Vuitry, Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Finance De Wagram.  
The President of the Republic,  
Minister of the Interior, DE MORNY."  
The name of Bourbousson is found on this list.  
It would be a pity if this name were lost.  
At the same time as this placard appeared the protest of M. Daru, as  
"I approve of the proceedings of the National Assembly at the Mairie  
of the Tenth Arrondissement on the 2d of December, 1851, in which I was  
hindered from participating by force.  
Some of these members of the Consultative Committee came from Mazas or  
from Mount Valerien. They had been detained in a cell for four-and-twenty  
hours, and then released. It may be seen that these legislators bore  
little malice to the man who had made them undergo this disagreeable  
taste of the law.  

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