The History of a Crime

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Renouard de Bussière (of the Bas-Rhin).  
Renouard (of the Lozère).  
General Rogé.  
Rouher, Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice (of the Puy-de-Dôme).  
De Royer, ex-Minister, Attorney-General at the Court of Appeal of  
General de Saint-Arnaud, Minister of War.  
De Saint-Arnaud, Barrister at the Court of Appeal of Paris.  
De Salis (of the Moselle).  
Sapey (of the Isère).  
Schneider, ex-Minister.  
De Ségur d'Aguesseau (of the Hautes-Pyréneés).  
Seydoux (of the Nord).  
Amédée Thayer.  
Thieullen (of the Côtes-du-Nord).  
De Thorigny, ex-Minister.  
Toupot de Béveaux (of the Haute-Marne).  
Tourangin, ex-Prefect. Troplong, First President of the Court of  
De Turgot, Minister for Foreign Affairs.  
Vaillant, Marshal of France.  
Vaisse, ex-Minister (of the Nord).  
De Vandeul (of the Haute-Marne).  
General Vast-Vimeux (of the Charente-Inférieure).  
Vauchelle, Mayor of Versailles.  
Viard (of the Meurthe).  
Vieillard (of the Manche).  

540 541 542 543 544

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1 171 343 514 685