The History of a Crime

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Dumas (of the Institut) ex-Minister (of the Nord).  
Charles Dupin, of the Institut (of the Seine-Inférieure).  
General Durrieu (of the Landes).  
Maurice Duval, ex-Prefect.  
Eschassériaux (of the Charente-Inférieure).  
Marshal Excelmans, Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor.  
Ferdinand Favre (of the Loire-Inférieure) General de Flahaut,  
Fortoul, Minister of Public Instruction (of the Basses-Alpes).  
Achille Fould, Minister of Finance (of the Seine).  
De Fourment (of the Somme).  
Fouquier-d'Hérouël (of the Aisne).  
Fremy (of the Yonne).  
Furtado (of the Seine).  
Gasc (of the Haute Garonne).  
Gaslonde (of the Manche).  
De Gasparin (ex-Minister).  
Ernest de Girardin (of the Charente).  
Augustin Giraud (of Maine-et-Loire).  
Charles Giraud, of the Institut, member of the Court of Public  
Instruction, ex-Minister.  
Godelle (of the Aisne).  
Goulhot de Saint-Germain (of the Manche).  
General de Grammont (of the Loire).  
De Grammont (of the Haute-Saône).  
De Greslan (of the Réunion).  
General de Grouchy (of the Gironde).  
Kallez Claparède (of the Bas-Rhin).  

537 538 539 540 541

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1 171 343 514 685