The History of a Crime

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D'Argout, Governor of the Bank, ex-Minister.  
General Arrighi of Padua (of Corsica).  
General de Bar (of the Seine).  
General Baraguay-d'Hilliers (of Doubs).  
Barbaroux, ex-Procureur-General (of the Réunion).  
Baroche, ex-Minister of the Interior and of Foreign Affairs,  
Vice-President of the Committee (of the Charente-Inférieure).  
Barret (Ferdinand), ex-Minister (of the Seine).  
Barthe, ex-Minister, first President (of the Cour de Comptes).  
Bataille (of the Haute-Vienne).  
Bavoux (Evariste) (of the Seine-et-Marne).  
De Beaumont (of the Somme).  
Bérard (of the Lot-et-Garonne).  
Berger, Prefect of the Seine (of Puy-de-Dôme).  
Bertrand (of the Yonne).  
Bidault (of the Cher).  
Bigrel (of the Côtes-du-Nord).  
Billault, barrister.  
Bineau, ex-Minister (of the Maine-et-Loire).  
Boinvilliers, ex-President of the body of barristers (of the Seine).  
Bonjean, Attorney-General of the Court of Cassation (of the Drome).  
Bourbousson (of Vaucluse).  
Bréhier (of the Manche).  
De Cambacérès (Hubert).  
De Cambacérès (of the Aisne).  
Carlier, ex-Prefect of Police.  
De Casabianca, ex-Minister (of Corsica).  

535 536 537 538 539

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