The History of a Crime

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Legitimate Representative.  
"For a long time past, like myself, you have suffered from obstacles  
which have opposed themselves both to the good that I wished to do and  
to the demonstrations of your sympathies in my favor. These obstacles  
have been broken down.  
The Assembly has tried to attack the authority which hold from the  
whole Nation. It has ceased to exist.  
"I make a loyal appeal to the People and to the Army, and I say to them:  
Either give me the means of insuring your prosperity, or choose another  
in my place.  
In 1830, as in 1848, you were treated as vanquished men. After having  
branded your heroic disinterestedness, they disdained to consult your  
sympathies and your wishes, and yet you are the flower of the Nation.  
To-day, at this solemn moment, I am resolved that the voice of the Army  
shall be heard.  
"Vote, therefore, freely as citizens; but, as soldiers do not forget  
that passive obedience to the orders of the Chief of the State is the  
rigorous duty of the Army, from the general to the private soldier.  
"It is for me, responsible for my actions both to the People and to  
posterity, to take those measures which may seem to me indispensable for  
the public welfare.  

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