The History of a Crime

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single Assembly, are the permanent causes of trouble and discord, I  
submit to your suffrage the following fundamental bases of a  
Constitution which will be developed by the Assemblies later on:--  
1. A responsible Chief appointed for ten years.  
2. Ministers dependent upon the Executive Power alone.  
3. A Council of State composed of the most distinguished men, who shall  
prepare laws and shall support them in debate before the Legislative  
"4. A Legislative Body which shall discuss and vote the laws, and which  
shall be elected by universal suffrage, without scrutin de liste,  
which falsifies the elections.  
"5. A Second Assembly composed of the most illustrious men of the  
country, a power of equipoise the guardian of the fundamental compact,  
and of the public liberties.  
This system, created by the first Consul at the beginning of the  
century, has already given repose and prosperity to France; it would  
still insure them to her.  
Such is my firm conviction. If you share it, declare it by your votes.  
If, on the contrary, you prefer a government without strength,  
Monarchical or Republican, borrowed I know not from what past, or from  
what chimerical future, answer in the negative.  

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