The History of a Crime

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The calm and serious voice of the other combatant shouted from outside,  
It is beginning."  
Have I time to finish my bread?" asked the little one.  
Yes," said the other.  
The little one then turned to me.  
"Citizen Representative," said he to me, "those are volleys. They are  
attacking the barricades over there. Really you must go away."  
I answered him, "But you yourselves are going to stay here."  
"As for us, we are armed," resumed he; "as for you, you are not. You  
will only get yourself killed without benefiting any one. If you had a  
gun, I should say nothing. But you have not. You must go away."  
"I cannot," I answered him. "I am waiting for some one."  
He wished to continue and to urge me. I pressed his hand.  
Let me do as I like," said I.  
He understood that my duty was to remain, and no longer persisted.  
There was a pause. He again began to bite his bread. The gurgling of the  
dying man alone was audible. At that moment a sort of deep and hollow  

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