The History of a Crime

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thinking with anguish of the old man we had seen stretched on the  
pavement at a few paces distant.  
A newspaper was lying on the table. I took it up, and I unfolded it. It  
was the P----, the rest of the title had been torn off. A  
blood-stained hand was plainly imprinted on it. A wounded man on  
entering had probably placed his hand on the table on the spot where the  
newspaper lay. My eyes fell upon these lines:--  
"M. Victor Hugo has just published an appeal to pillage and  
In these terms the journal of the Elysée described the proclamation  
which I had dictated to Baudin, and which may be read in page 103 of  
this History.  
As I threw back the paper on the table one of the two defenders of the  
barricade entered. It was the short man.  
"A glass of water," said he. By the side of the medicine bottles there  
was a decanter and a glass. He drank, greedily. He held in his hand a  
morsel of bread and a sausage, which he was biting.  
Suddenly we heard several successive explosions, following one after  
another, and which seemed but a short distance off. In the silence of  
this dark night it resembled the sound of a load of wood being shot on  
to the pavement.  

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