The History of a Crime

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It was in this manner that Louis Bonaparte made his entry into the  
Unexpected. This revealed him.  
Certain brains are abysses. Manifestly for a long time past Bonaparte  
had harbored the design of assassinating in order to reign.  
Premeditation haunts criminals, and it is in this manner that treason  
begins. The crime is a long time present in them, but shapeless and  
shadowy, they are scarcely conscious of it; souls only blacken  
gradually. Such abominable deeds are not invented in a moment; they do  
not attain perfection at once and at a single bound; they increase and  
ripen, shapeless and indecisive, and the centre of the ideas in which  
they exist keeps them living, ready for the appointed day, and vaguely  
terrible. This design, the massacre for a throne, we feel sure, existed  
for a long time in Louis Bonaparte's mind. It was classed among the  
possible events of this soul. It darted hither and thither like a  
larva in an aquarium, mingled with shadows, with doubts, with desires,  
with expedients, with dreams of one knows not what Caesarian socialism,  
like a Hydra dimly visible in a transparency of chaos. Hardly was he  
aware that he was fostering this hideous idea. When he needed it, he  
found it, armed and ready to serve him. His unfathomable brain had  
darkly nourished it. Abysses are the nurseries of monsters.  
Up to this formidable day of the 4th December, Louis Bonaparte did not  
perhaps quite know himself. Those who studied this curious Imperial  
animal did not believe him capable of such pure and simple ferocity.  
They saw in him an indescribable mongrel, applying the talents of a  
swindler to the dreams of an Empire, who, even when crowned, would be a  

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