The History of a Crime

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the Committee, were with you to-night with his sash girded?"  
Doubtless," he answered.  
Well, then," resumed I, "here I am! Take me."  
We will all go," exclaimed Jules Favre.  
The delegate observed that it would suffice for one of us to be there at  
the moment when the societies should make their appearance, and that he  
could then notify the other members of the Committee to come and join  
him. It was settled that as soon as the places of meeting and the  
rallying-points should be agreed upon, he would send some one to let me  
know, and to take me wherever the societies might be. "Before an hour's  
time you shall hear from me," said he on leaving us.  
As the delegates were going away Mathieu de la Drôme arrived. On coming  
in he halted on the threshold of the door, he was pale, he cried out to  
us, "You are no longer in Paris, you are no longer under the Republic;  
you are in Naples and under King Bomba."  
He had come from the boulevards.  
Later on I again saw Mathieu de la Drôme. I said to him, "Worse than  

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