The History of a Crime

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was carrying a child. Two soldiers aimed at her. One said, "At the  
woman!" And he brought down the woman. The child rolled on the pavement.  
The other soldier said, "At the child!" And he killed the child.  
A man of high scientific repute, Dr. Germain Sée, declares that in one  
house alone, the establishment of the Jouvence Baths, there were at six  
o'clock, beneath a shed in the courtyard, about eighty wounded, nearly  
all of whom (seventy, at least) were old men, women, and children. Dr.  
Sée was the first to attend to them.  
In the Rue Mandar, there was, stated an eye-witness, "a rosary of  
corpses," reaching as far as the Rue Neuve Saint Eustache. Before the  
house of Odier twenty-six corpses. Thirty before the hotel Montmorency.  
Fifty-two before the Variétés, of whom eleven were women. In the Rue  
Grange-Batelière there were three naked corpses. No. 19, Faubourg  
Montmartre, was full of dead and wounded.  
A woman, flying and maddened, with dishevelled hair and her arms raised  
aloft, ran along the Rue Poissonnière, crying, "They kill! they kill!  
they kill! they kill! they kill!"  
The soldiers wagered. "Bet you I bring down that fellow there." In this  
manner Count Poninsky was killed whilst going into his own house, 52,  
Rue de la Paix.  
I was anxious to know what I ought to do. Certain treasons, in order to  
be proved, need to be investigated. I went to the field of murder.  

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