The History of a Crime

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boulevard into all the streets. It was a devil-fish stretching out its  
feelers. Flight? Why? Concealment? To what purpose? Death ran after you  
quicker than you could fly. In the Rue Pagevin a soldier said to a  
passer-by, "What are you doing here?" "I am going home." The soldier  
kills the passer-by. In the Rue des Marais they kill four young men in  
their own courtyard. Colonel Espinasse exclaimed, "After the bayonet,  
cannon!" Colonel Rochefort exclaimed, "Thrust, bleed, slash!" and he  
added, "It is an economy of powder and noise." Before Barbedienne's  
establishment an officer was showing his gun, an arm of considerable  
precision, admiringly to his comrades, and he said, "With this gun I can  
score magnificent shots between the eyes." having said this, he aimed at  
random at some one, and succeeded. The carnage was frenzied. While the  
butchering under the orders of Carrelet filled the boulevard, the  
Bourgon brigade devastated the Temple, the Marulaz brigade devastated  
the Rue Rambuteau; the Renault division distinguished itself on the  
other side of the water." Renault was that general, who, at Mascara,  
had given his pistols to Charras. In 1848 he had said to Charras,  
Europe must be revolutionized." And Charras had said, "Not quite so  
fast!" Louis Bonaparte had made him a General of Division in July, 1851.  
The Rue aux Ours was especially devastated. Morny that evening said to  
Louis Bonaparte, "The 15th Light Infantry have scored a success. They  
have cleaned out the Rue aux Ours."  
At the corner of the Rue du Sentier an officer of Spahis, with his sword  
raised, cried out, "This is not the sort of thing! You do not understand  
at all. Fire on the women." A woman was flying, she was with child, she  
falls, they deliver her by the means of the butt-ends of their muskets.  
Another, perfectly distracted, was turning the corner of a street. She  

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