The History of a Crime

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to a fiacre.  
On meeting together at Mazas, Nadaud grasped the hand of Greppo, and  
Lagrange grasped the hand of Lamoricière. This made the police gentry  
laugh. A colonel, named Thirion, wearing a commander's cross round his  
neck, helped to put the Generals and the Representatives into jail. "Look  
me in the face," said Charras to him. Thirion moved away.  
Thus, without counting other arrests which took place later on, there  
were imprisoned during the night of the 2d of December, sixteen  
Representatives and seventy-eight citizens. The two agents of the crime  
furnished a report of it to Louis Bonaparte. Morny wrote "Boxed up;"  
Maupas wrote "Quadded." The one in drawing-room slang, the other in the  
slang of the galleys. Subtle gradations of language.  

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