The History of a Crime

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During the same night in all parts of Paris acts of brigandage took  
place. Unknown men leading armed troops, and themselves armed with  
hatchets, mallets, pincers, crow-bars, life-preservers, swords hidden  
under their coats, pistols, of which the butts could be distinguished  
under the folds of their cloaks, arrived in silence before a house,  
occupied the street, encircled the approaches, picked the lock of the  
door, tied up the porter, invaded the stairs, and burst through the doors  
upon a sleeping man, and when that man, awakening with a start, asked of  
these bandits, "Who are you?" their leader answered, "A Commissary of  
Police." So it happened to Lamoricière who was seized by Blanchet, who  
threatened him with the gag; to Greppo, who was brutally treated and  
thrown down by Gronfier, assisted by six men carrying a dark lantern and  
a pole-axe; to Cavaignac, who was secured by Colin, a smooth-tongued  
villain, who affected to be shocked on hearing him curse and swear; to M.  
Thiers, who was arrested by Hubaut (the elder); who professed that he had  
seen him "tremble and weep," thus adding falsehood to crime; to Valentin,  
who was assailed in his bed by Dourlens, taken by the feet and shoulders,  
and thrust into a padlocked police van; to Miot, destined to the tortures  
of African casemates; to Roger (du Nord), who with courageous and witty  
irony offered sherry to the bandits. Charras and Changarnier were taken  

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