The History of a Crime

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like quality. The livid half-light that crept in through latticed and  
barred windows disclosed a family circle at which there often assembled  
eloquent orators, among others Crémieux, and powerful and charming  
writers, including Peyrat.  
One day Michel de Bourges brought to us Gaston Dussoubs.  
Gaston Dussoubs lived in the Faubourg St. Germain, near the Assembly.  
On the 2d of December we did not see him at our meetings. He was ill,  
"nailed down" as he wrote me, by rheumatism of the joints, and compelled  
to keep his bed.  
He had a brother younger than himself, whom we have just mentioned, Denis  
Dussoubs. On the morning of the 4th his brother went to see him.  
Gaston Dussoubs knew of the coup d'état, and was exasperated at being  
obliged to remain in bed. He exclaimed, "I am dishonored. There will be  
barricades, and my sash will not be there!"  
Yes," said his brother. "It will be there!"  
Lend it to me."  
Take it."  

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