The History of a Crime

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Gaston Dussoubs was one of the bravest members of the Left. He was a  
Representative of the Haute-Vienne. At the time of his first appearance  
in the Assembly he wore, as formerly did Théophile Gautier, a red  
waistcoat, and the shudder which Gautier's waistcoat caused among the men  
of letters in 1830, Gaston Dussoubs' waistcoat caused among the Royalists  
of 1851. M. Parisis, Bishop of Langres, who would have had no objection  
to a red hat, was terrified by Gaston Dussoubs' red waistcoat. Another  
source of horror to the Right was that Dussoubs had, it was said, passed  
three years at Belle Isle as a political prisoner, a penalty incurred by  
the "Limoges Affair." Universal Suffrage had, it would seem, taken him  
thence to place him in the Assembly. To go from the prison to the Senate  
is certainly not very surprising in our changeful times, although it is  
sometimes followed by a return from the Senate to the prison. But the  
Right was mistaken, the culprit of Limoges was, not Gaston Dussoubs, but  
his brother Denis.  
In fine, Gaston Dussoubs inspired fear. He was witty, courageous, and  
In the summer of 1851 I went to dine every day at the Concièrgerie with  
my two sons and my two imprisoned friends. These great hearts and great  
minds, Vacquerie, Meurice, Charles, and François Victor, attracted men of  

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