The History of a Crime

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crush the legions by the regiments. And then, what is an Archbishop in  
the presence of the Man of the coup d'état? Where is the oath? Where  
is the sworn faith? Where is the Respect for Right? A man does not turn  
back when he has made three steps in such a crime. No! No! Do not hope.  
This man will do all. He has struck the Law in the hand of the  
Representatives. He will strike God in mine."  
And he dismissed Madame Arnauld with the look of a man overwhelmed with  
Let us do the duty of the Historian. Six weeks afterwards, in the Church  
of Notre Dame, some one was singing the Te Deum in honor of the  
treason of December--thus making God a partner in a crime.  
This man was the Archbishop Sibour.  

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