The History of a Crime

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He kissed her with tears in his eyes, and answered, "Go."  
But the police of the coup d'état were suspicious, many women were  
searched while going through the streets; this letter might be found on  
Madame Arnauld. Where could this letter be hidden?  
I will take my baby with me," said Madame Arnauld.  
She undid the linen of her little girl, hid the letter there, and  
refastened the swaddling band.  
When this was finished the father kissed his child on the forehead, and  
the mother exclaimed laughingly,--  
Oh, the little Red! She is only six months' old, and she is already a  
Madame Arnauld reached the Archbishop's Palace with some difficulty. Her  
carriage was obliged to take a long round. Nevertheless she arrived  
there. She asked for the Archbishop. A woman with a child in her arms  
could not be a very terrible visitor, and she was allowed to enter.  
But she lost herself in courtyards and staircases. She was seeking her  
way somewhat discouraged, when she met the Abbé Maret. She knew him. She  
addressed him. She told him the object of her expedition. The Abbé Maret  
read the workman's letter, and was seized with enthusiasm: "This may  
save all," said he.  

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