The History of a Crime

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I resumed the dictation. Baudin wrote,--  
The Republican Representatives refer the People and the Army to Article  
They interrupted me: "Quote it in full."  
"No," said I, "it would be too long. Something is needed which can be  
placarded on a card, stuck with a wafer, and which can be read in a  
minute. I will quote Article 110. It is short and contains the appeal to  
I resumed,--  
The Republican Representatives refer the People and the Army to Article  
8 and to Article 110, which runs thus--'The Constituent Assembly  
confides the existing Constitution and the Laws which it consecrates to  
the keeping and the patriotism of all Frenchmen.'  
The People henceforward and for ever in possession of universal  
suffrages and who need no Prince for its restitution, will know how to  
chastise the rebel.  
Let the People do its duty. The Republican Representatives are marching  
at its head.  
Vive la République! To Arms!"  

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