The History of a Crime

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Joigneaux, Brives, Guilgot, Pelletier, Doutre, Gindrier, Arnauld (de  
l'Ariége), Raymond (de l'Isère), Brillier, Maigne, Sartin, Raynaud, Léon  
Vidal, Lafon, Lamargue, Bourzat, and General Rey.  
All were standing. They were talking without order. Léopold Duras had  
just described the investment of the Café Bonvalet. Jules Favre and  
Baudin, seated at a little table between the two windows, were writing.  
Baudin had a copy of the Constitution open before him, and was copying  
Article 68.  
When we entered there was silence, and they asked us, "Well, what news?"  
Charamaule told them what had just taken place on the Boulevard du  
Temple, and the advice which he had thought right to give me. They  
approved his action.  
What is to be done?" was asked on every side. I began to speak.  
Let us go straight to the fact and to the point," said I. "Louis  
Bonaparte is gaining ground, and we are losing ground, or rather, we  
should say, he has as yet everything, and we have as yet nothing.  
Charamaule and I have been obliged to separate ourselves from Colonel  
Forestier. I doubt if he will succeed. Louis Bonaparte is doing all he  
can to suppress us, we must no longer keep in the background. We must  
make our presence felt. We must fan this beginning of the flame of which  
we have seen the spark on the Boulevard du Temple. A proclamation must be  
made, no matter by whom it is printed, or how it is placarded, but it is  
absolutely necessary, and that immediately. Something brief, rapid, and  

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