The History of a Crime

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Representatives made a ring around them. Lherbette said laughingly, "This  
just suits the barracks. We look like sergeant-majors who have come to  
report." They called over the seven hundred and fifty names of the  
Representatives. To each name they answered "Absent" or "Present," and  
the secretary jotted down with a pencil those who were present. When the  
name of Morny was reached, some one cried out, "At Clichy!" At the name  
of Persigny, the same voice exclaimed, "At Poissy!" The inventor of these  
two jokes, which by the way are very poor, has since allied himself to  
the Second of December, to Morny and Persigny; he has covered his  
cowardice with the embroidery of a senator.  
The roll-call verified the presence of two hundred and twenty  
Representatives, whose names were as follows:--  
Le Duc de Luynes, d'Andigné de la Chasse, Antony Thouret, Arène, Audren  
de Kerdrel (Ille-et-Vilaine), Audren de Kerdrel (Morbihan), de Balzac,  
Barchou de Penhoen, Barillon, O. Barrot, Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire,  
Quentin Bauchard, G. deBeaumont, Béchard, Behaghel, de Belèvze,  
Benoist-d'Azy, de Benardy, Berryer, de Berset, Basse, Betting de  
Lancastel, Blavoyer, Bocher, Boissié, de Botmillan, Bouvatier, le Duc de  
Broglie, de la Broise, de Bryas, Buffet, Caillet du Tertre, Callet, Camus  
de la Guibourgère, Canet, de Castillon, de Cazalis, Admiral Cécile,  
Chambolle, Chamiot, Champannet, Chaper, Chapot, de Charencey, Chasseigne,  
Chauvin, Chazant, de Chazelles, Chegaray, Comte de Coislin, Colfavru,  
Colas de la Motte, Coquerel, de Corcelles, Cordier, Corne, Creton,  
Daguilhon, Pujol, Dahirel, Vicomte Dambray, Marquis de Dampierre, de  
Brotonne, de Fontaine, de Fontenay, Vicomte de Sèze, Desmars, de la  
Devansaye, Didier, Dieuleveult, Druet-Desvaux, A. Dubois, Dufaure,  

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