The History of a Crime

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upon Austerlitz. He stuffed the eagle.  
Malice is an unproductive outlay. Louis Bonaparte only possessed as much  
memory as is useful. Hudson Lowe did not prevent him from smiling upon  
Englishmen; the Marquis of Montchenu did not prevent him from smiling  
upon the Royalists.  
He was a man of earnest politics, of good company, wrapped in his own  
scheming, not impulsive, doing nothing beyond that which he intended,  
without abruptness, without hard words, discreet, accurate, learned,  
talking smoothly of a necessary massacre, a slaughterer, because it  
served his purpose.  
All this, we repeat, without passion, and without anger. Louis Bonaparte  
was one of those men who had been influenced by the profound iciness of  
It was through being a man of that nature that he succeeded in submerging  
the name of Napoleon by superadding December upon Brumaire.  

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