The History of a Crime

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On the 2d December, 1851, Representative Versigny, of the Haute-Saône,  
who resided at Paris, at No. 4, Rue Léonie, was asleep. He slept  
soundly; he had been working till late at night. Versigny was a young  
man of thirty-two, soft-featured and fair-complexioned, of a courageous  
spirit, and a mind tending towards social and economical studies. He had  
passed the first hours of the night in the perusal of a book by Bastiat,  
in which he was making marginal notes, and, leaving the book open on the  
table, he had fallen asleep. Suddenly he awoke with a start at the sound  
of a sharp ring at the bell. He sprang up in surprise. It was dawn. It  
was about seven o'clock in the morning.  
Never dreaming what could be the motive for so early a visit, and  
thinking that someone had mistaken the door, he again lay down, and was  
about to resume his slumber, when a second ring at the bell, still  
louder than the first, completely aroused him. He got up in his  
night-shirt and opened the door.  
Michel de Bourges and Théodore Bac entered. Michel de Bourges was the  
neighbor of Versigny; he lived at No. 16, Rue de Milan.  
Théodore Bac and Michel were pale, and appeared greatly agitated.  

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