The History of a Crime

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me." In that same month of November a satirical journal, charged with  
calumniating the President of the Republic, was sentenced to fine and  
imprisonment for a caricature depicting a shooting-gallery and Louis  
Bonaparte using the Constitution as a target. Morigny, Minister of the  
Interior, declared in the Council before the President "that a Guardian  
of Public Power ought never to violate the law as otherwise he would  
be--" "a dishonest man," interposed the President. All these words and  
all these facts were notorious. The material and moral impossibility of  
the coup d'état was manifest to all. To outrage the National Assembly!  
To arrest the Representatives! What madness! As we have seen, Charras,  
who had long remained on his guard, unloaded his pistols. The feeling of  
security was complete and unanimous. Nevertheless there were some of us  
in the Assembly who still retained a few doubts, and who occasionally  
shook our heads, but we were looked upon as fools.  
1] Colonel Charras was Under-Secretary of State in 1848, and Acting  
Secretary of War under the Provisional Government.  

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