The Gilded Age

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I've made him promise to vote with us!"  
I've made him swear that he'll work for us!"  
PRE - - - POSTEROUS!--Utterly pre--break a window, child, before I  
No matter, it's true anyway. Now we can march into Congress with drums  
beating and colors flying!"  
Well--well--well. I'm sadly bewildered, sadly bewildered. I can't  
understand it at all--the most extraordinary woman that ever--it's a  
great day, it's a great day. There--there--let me put my hand in  
benediction on this precious head. Ah, my child, the poor negro will  
"Oh bother the poor negro, uncle! Put it in your speech. Good-night,  
good-bye--we'll marshal our forces and march with the dawn!"  
Laura reflected a while, when she was alone, and then fell to laughing,  
Everybody works for me,"--so ran her thought. "It was a good idea to  
make Buckstone lead Mr. Trollop on to get a great speech written for him;  

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