72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 |
1 | 27 | 53 | 80 | 106 |
Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Scorpio
October 28th-November 1st
Tarot Card: 5 of Cups
Planet: Mars/Pluto
Candle Color: Black
Plant: Purslane
Metal: Iron/Plutonium
Element: Water
Rank: Marquis
Shax is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits
He can cause one to become deaf, dumb or blind and can take away understanding. He can steal money
or possessions and reveals the way to stolen property or hidden things. He provides good famliars and
will transport anything. Shax has short blue hair. He has a medium build with dark skin. He gives one a
feeling of power that comes from his aura. He is very powerful in his magick.
Ex-High Priest Salem Burke relates his experience with Shax: Shax is a good Demon. He has a totally
good “work ethic”, and will do a task specifically very enthusiastically. He‟s got a lot of odd angular . . .
angles. He likes circular shapes, and uses them a lot (they are really not circular, they are just moving
energies). But he walks along “pointed” angles with great ease -- something Goetic Demons do not tend
to like. If you ask him several questions he will totally ignore the ones not related to the task at hand (i.e.
love, etc. during an attempt to get a promotion), and not for any other reason than because his energy
will be uselessly diminished. This is likely because (judging form his character) he is accustomed to
“human interaction” -- he is a people Demon (but still a professional, and a good capable one, seriously
-- he packs a good punch), and works immediately to fulfill the dominant and most likely task -- usually
and in my case about money, and/or about catching a thief. Japs snatched my ATM card, and Shax had
him locked away in a matter of minutes, just like he said. I have no doubt as to his answers, he answers
quickly and accurately, and would not be the sort of Demon anyone would wish to cross. He is very
powerful -- his residual energy was very helpful.
Inevitably my innermost concern became for Japs. I asked Shax once, “You will make absolutely sure
you do not terrify him, or cause him permanent harm -- scare him -- and by this I do not mean like the
others (as one is disfigured and the other paralyzed -- long time ago)?”
He answered very quickly and confidently, and powerfully. He said Japs would call me but would not
admit it -- and that he had been restrained. Now Japs steals cars like I take taxis, and has never been
busted for a GTA. Until, of course -- now.
Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Virgo
September 18th-22nd
Tarot Card: 10 of Pentacles
Planet: Venus
Candle Color: Dark blue
Plant: Flax
Metal: Copper
Element: Earth
Rank: Prince
Stolas is a Day Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits
He has knowledge of all of the stars, planets and stones. He teaches astronomy and the uses of herbs.
Stolas has beautiful long dark brown curly hair and blue eyes. His wings are cream colored and laced
with gold trim. His wings are like a Griffin‟s wings.”
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