52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 |
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Below are photographs of the ancient remiains of Baal-Berith‟s Temple:
The remains of Temple of Baal-Berith are a
round-ended, land-filled platform on which a
massive temple once stood. Dated to the
3th/12th century BCE, it measured 86 feet
long and 78 feet wide and its walls were
around 19 feet thick. “Archaeologists believe
that it was a two-story building.
It had one entrance to the east, in the middle of which was a column to support a roof, and on each side
of the entrance was a massive tower. The eastern tower included a stairway that might have led to the
second floor. Inside the main hall were two rows of columns. On the semi-circular platform in front of
the temple, part of a sacred pillar or standing stone was found (seen on the right side of the above
photo), Archaeologists believe it marked the temple entrance.”
Zodiac Position: 15- 19 degrees of Scorpio
November 7th-12th
Tarot Card: 6 of Cups
Candle color: Light purple
Plant: Basil
Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
Metal: Tin/Neptunium
Element of Water
Rank: Earl
Bifrons is a Night Demon and governs 60 legions of spirits
Bifrons teaches astrology, geometry, mathematics and other arts and sciences
He reveals the values of herbs, woods and stones
He can move corpses magically and coerce spirits of the dead to assist in magick, and/or to answer
Bifrons is tall and has light blonde hair down to his waist with lots of soft ringed curls. He is kind and
patient. (experience from High Priestess Maxine)
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