46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
1 | 27 | 53 | 80 | 106 |
Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Aquarius
January 30th- February 3rd
Tarot card: 6 of Swords
Candle color: Black*
Plant: Violet
Animal: Hell Hound/Wolf*>
Planet: Pluto and Mars*
Metal: Iron and Silver*
Element of Fire*
Rank: There is no human equivalent or word for his Rank*
Andras Satan‟s Chief Guard and Head of Security*
Andras Governs 30 legions of spirits and is a Night Demon
Andras is the God who was worshipped in the Weald. He can completely destroy enemies, Andras has a
reputation for killing mages and their assistants
He is said to be very dangerous.
I have known Andras for quite some time. He is actually very pleasant to those who are dedicated to
Satan. He is a true warrior and extremely dedicated to Satan. He first contacted me through my Ouija
Board. The first time I saw him, he was short, wore a black and white striped shirt and had a rough look
about him. He was attended by a Hell Hound. A viscious looking black wolf with red eyes, snarling and
had dusty bristled grey hair. His real form is tall and slender. Golden blonde hair parted in the middle
and very long. He is a true warrior, but also an artist. He is one of the most dangerous to outsiders.-
High Priestess Maxine
Zodiac Position: 20-24 Degrees of Aquarius
February 9th- 13th
Tarot card: 7 of Swords
Candle color: Silver*
Plant: Lotus
Animal: Frog*
Planet: 4 of the Moons of Jupiter*
Metal: Nickle and Silver*
Element of earth*
Rank: Earl*
Andrealphus governs 30 legions of spirits and is a Night Demon
Andrealphus is a Scientist; specializing in Chemistry*
He teaches astronomy, geometry,and everything concerned with measurement. He also teaches
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