40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |
1 | 27 | 53 | 80 | 106 |
Scirlin is the one of the messengers of Hell and can be of assistance in summoning other Demons. He
represents the authority of Lucifer.
Sekhet is also known as Sekhmet, Sechmet, Sekhait, Sekhautet, Sekhem and Sakhmis
Sekhet is a Lion Goddess and is known for her power. She is a warrior and honored Goddess of war and
She has long black wings with red stripes. She has very dark skin and blonde hair with ringlettes. She
has a deep and powerful voice.
Seshat is also known as “Sefkhet-Aabut” and “Sesheta”
High Priestess Maxine- experience with Seshat:
Seshat is extremely fair with long light blonde hair and rings of curls. She is extremely beautiful and the
Wife of Thoth. She accompanies him and assists him in many projects. She is the Egyptian Goddess of
intellect and a scribe like her husband. She is the Goddess of literature and libraries. She ruled over all
of the ancient libraries in Egypt. There are times she fills in for Thoth when he is busy. Those of us who
have worked with Thoth and Seshat, see them together or sometimes Seshat will come to us in place of
her husband who is always extremely busy. Thoth is about the busiest of all the Demons.
*also kown as the Goetic Demon “SITRI,”** Seth, Sethi, Sit, Sut, Sutekh. Set is the Egyptian Lord of
Darkness. He is one of the 7 sons of Satan.
High Priestess Maxine (my experiences with Set):
He is dark complected with jet black hair. When I performed energy work with him, at first he had
rubbery dark brown wings. When he was freed, they bolted into beautiful soft black feathery wings like
a raven. He wears a long black satin robe. He was very kind, soft spoken and left me with a strong
energetic feeling of peace. He has beautiful energy. He definitely represents darkness. Set‟s Wife is the
Goddess Nephthys. They can sometimes appear together.
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