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[28] Lay-ee-drom Al-pay-hay-see-tay-ga Ac-zod-in-or Ah-m-el-ee-see-vee El-zod-ee-en-oh-poh El-ee-
6. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
The essential pattern of the consecration ceremony should be apparent: it is merely necessary to
replace the key words in the ceremony by the ones appropriate to the Weapon being consecrated. All
the key words have been italicized in the preceding ceremonies, and providing the correct pentagrams
and hexagrams are used, so the weapons will be appropriately charged. The sheer repetitiveness of
these rituals aids in impressing the subconscious with the power and efficacy of the weapons.
You have now provided yourself with the four Elemental Weapons, an essential part of your temple
equipment. Whenever you use one by itself however always be sure that the other three are present so
as not to generate a lack of balance. These weapons should be placed upon your altar for almost all
workings and should be used on the altar in the next operation, which is the manufacture and
consecration of talismans.
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