21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
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and mix it with oil of olives and place it as an amulet over it, and it will be
good. -- 95. For every spirit write upon a bowl No. 95 and hang it round the
neck. -- 96. For subtle poison, as cumin-seed and calamint, write No. 96
upon an egg and put it into wine, and repeat over it the same words and then
drink it. -- 97. For the thunder that comes from heaven, take a ring (round
piece) of iron and lead, and hang it on the spot you wish (to protect), and say
over it No. 97. --98. To go before king or lord, say No. 98 over a piece of
lion's skin dipped in black hemp (?) and pure wine, and take it with thee. --
9. For blight, if it happen, take a sinew and soak it in turnip-juice in the
night from Wednesday to Thursday, and say No. 99 over it; on the morrow
sprinkle that water over the field. -- 100. If the fruit gets worm-eaten, take a
worm from the mud and put it into a tube and say No. 100 over it; then close
the tube and bury it in that place. -- 101. To free a man from prison (?
shame), say over the grounds of Kappa (?) and unripe dates No. 101, and
give it to him to eat. -- 102. For a field that does not produce fruits, take
eight cups from eight houses and fill them with water from eight rivers, and
put salt into them from eight houses, and say over them No. 102 eight times,
and pour out two cups at each corner, and break them on eight paths. -- 103.
If one does not know what a man is ailing from, soak mullein (verbascum) in
water, and say over it No. 103, and let him drink it when he is thirsty. -- 104.
To make war, take the dust from under the left foot, say over it No. 104, and
throw it into the (enemies') face, and there will appear knights with weapons
in their hands who will fight for thee. -- 105. To throw thy fear upon
mankind, write No. 105 upon a leaden plate and bury it on the west side of a
synagogue. -- 106. To have always light in the darkness, write No. 106 upon
papyrus and carry it always with thee. -- 107. To catch (blind) the eye, write
No. 107 upon a scroll and expose it in a wicker-basket to the stars, but you
must not speak when writing. -- 108. To send a sword which should fight for
thee, say No. 108 over a new knife wholly of iron, and throw it into their
face. -- 109. If thou wishest that they kill one another, say No. 109 over a
new knife wholly of iron and bury it with your heel into the earth, and keep
the heel upon it in the earth, and they will kill one another, until you take it
out from the earth. -- 110. To make them pause, take the dust from under the
right foot, and, saying the same word again backwards, throw it into their
face, and they will stop. -- 111. If an enemy has got hold of thee and wishes
to kill thee, bend the little finger of the left hand and say No. 111, and he
will run away from thee like one who runs away from his murderer. -- 112.
To catch the eye (blind), say No. 112 over the skin of a lion and carry it with
thee, and no one will be able to see thee. -- 113. If thou fallest into a ytra (?)
and wishest to come out, say No. 113, and thou wilt come out in peace. --
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