16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
1 | 8 | 16 | 24 | 32 |
God the seal of heaven and earth, ministers of HWH AH WHYH HH the
most high God; through you I see QLWTMY MQRAS ÿSꢁPWHYY
ŠŠNWHYY in the world; you are lording over me in all the place of the
Master over all: I pray of you to do everything that I am asking of you, as
you have the power to do everything in heaven and upon the earth in the
AHYH YWHW AWHH HWH YHW(And many other combinations of h-w-
y) AL AL YHW, as it is written in the Law, 'I am YHWH , this is My
. If at full moon (?) a man wishes to unite a woman with a man that they
should be as one to one another, to destroy winds (spirits), demons, and
satans, and to stop a ship, and to free a man from prison, and for every other
thing, write on a red bowl from TWBR, TSBR, etc. (No. 1). -- 2. To break
mountains and hills, to pass dry shod through the water, to enter the fire, to
appoint and to depose kings, to blind the eyes, to stop the mouth, and to
speak to the dead, and to kill the living, to bring down and to send up and to
conjure angels to hearken unto thee, and to see all the mysteries of the
world, write Nos. 1 and 2 upon the saucer of a cup and put in it the root of
genip-tree (genipa). -- 3. Against a spirit that moves in the body write on a
plate No. 3. -- 4. Against a spirit that burns write No. 4. -- 5. Against a spirit
in the whole body write No. 5. -- 6. Against a demon (šidda) write No. 6. --
. Against shingles write No. 7. -- 8. Against quinsy (erysipelas?) say the
words of No. 8 over oil of roses and put it over his face. -- 9. For pains in the
ear, whisper in the painful ear No. 9. -- 10. For aches in the eye say the
words No. 10 over water three days running in the morning, and wash the
eye with it. -- 11. For cataract say the words of No. 11 over oil of sesame,
and anoint the eye with it during seven mornings. -- 12. For grit in the eye
say over Kohl No. 12, and fill the eye with it for three mornings. -- 13. For
blood that runs from the head whisper No. 13 over the head early in the
morning for three days, when you wash your hands before getting out of
bed. -- 14. For paralysis say seven times over a vessel full of water and
seven times over sesame-oil the words No. 14, "that it should move away
and leave NN, Amen, Amen, Selah"; and throw the pail of water over his
head and anoint him with the oil, and do this for three days; then write an
amulet with the words from, "I conjure you " till "Amen, Selah," and hang it
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