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no means flat, but round like a pomegranate, so that we went--so to
say--either up hill or down hill all the time.'
That I think, was very singular," interrupted the king.
Nevertheless, it is quite true," replied Scheherazade.
I have my doubts," rejoined the king; "but, pray, be so good as to go
on with the story."
"I will," said the queen. "'The beast,' continued Sinbad to the caliph,
'swam, as I have related, up hill and down hill until, at length, we
arrived at an island, many hundreds of miles in circumference, but
which, nevertheless, had been built in the middle of the sea by a colony
of little things like caterpillars'" (*1)
Hum!" said the king.
"'Leaving this island,' said Sinbad--(for Scheherazade, it must be
understood, took no notice of her husband's ill-mannered ejaculation)
'leaving this island, we came to another where the forests were of solid
stone, and so hard that they shivered to pieces the finest-tempered axes
with which we endeavoured to cut them down."' (*2)
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