The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 2

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True," I observed; "the paper is clearly then upon the premises. As for  
its being upon the person of the minister, we may consider that as out  
of the question."  
Entirely," said the Prefect. "He has been twice waylaid, as if by  
footpads, and his person rigorously searched under my own inspection."  
"You might have spared yourself this trouble," said Dupin. "D--, I  
presume, is not altogether a fool, and, if not, must have anticipated  
these waylayings, as a matter of course."  
"Not altogether a fool," said G., "but then he's a poet, which I take to  
be only one remove from a fool."  
True," said Dupin, after a long and thoughtful whiff from  
his meerschaum, "although I have been guilty of certain doggrel myself."  
Suppose you detail," said I, "the particulars of your search."  
Why the fact is, we took our time, and we searched every where. I have  
had long experience in these affairs. I took the entire building, room  
by room; devoting the nights of a whole week to each. We examined,  
first, the furniture of each apartment. We opened every possible drawer;  

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