213 | 214 | 215 | 216 | 217 |
1 | 65 | 130 | 195 | 260 |
And the discovery of diamonds on the ostrich farm. Lies too. And all the
reminiscences of the giraffes--lies too. I never rode on no giraffes.
I'd be afraid."
He looked at her with a kind of sullen satisfaction. He had eased his
conscience, anyhow. She regarded him in infinite perplexity. This was a
new side altogether to the man. "But WHY," she began.
Why did I tell you such things? I don't know. Silly sort of chap, I
expect. I suppose I wanted to impress you. But somehow, now, I want you
to know the truth."
Silence. Breakfast untouched. "I thought I'd tell you," said Mr.
Hoopdriver. "I suppose it's snobbishness and all that kind of thing, as
much as anything. I lay awake pretty near all last night thinking about
myself; thinking what a got-up imitation of a man I was, and all that."
"And you haven't any diamond shares, and you are not going into
Parliament, and you're not--"
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