The Wheels of Chance

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fireplace, who wished Mr. Hoopdriver a good evening very affably; a  
young fellow smoking a cutty and displaying crossed legs with gaiters;  
a little, bearded man with a toothless laugh; a middle-aged, comfortable  
man with bright eyes, who wore a velveteen jacket; and a fair young man,  
very genteel in a yellowish-brown ready-made suit and a white tie.  
H'm," said Mr. Hoopdriver, looking very stern and harsh. And then in a  
forbidding tone, as one who consented to no liberties, "Good evening."  
"Very pleasant day we've been 'aving," said the fair young man with the  
white tie.  
"Very," said Mr. Hoopdriver, slowly; and taking a brown armchair, he  
planted it with great deliberation where he faced the fireplace, and sat  
down. Let's see--how did that speech begin?  
"Very pleasant roads about here," said the fair young man with the white  
Very," said Mr. Hoopdriver, eyeing him darkly. Have to begin somehow.  
The roads about here are all right, and the weather about here is  
all right, but what I've come in here to say is--there's some damned  
unpleasant people--damned unpleasant people!"  
Oh!" said the young man with the gaiters, apparently making a mental  
inventory of his pearl buttons as he spoke. "How's that?"  

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