The Tin Woodman of Oz

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that I ever heard of had this Magic Glue, and of course when Nick Chopper  
cut himself to pieces with his enchanted axe and Captain Fyter cut himself  
to pieces with his enchanted sword, the Witch would not mend them, or  
allow me to glue them together, because she had herself wickedly enchanted  
the axe and sword. Nothing remained but for me to make them new parts  
out of tin; but, as you see, tin answered the purpose very well, and I am  
sure their tin bodies are a great improvement on their meat bodies."  
"Very true," said the Tin Soldier.  
"I quite agree with you," said the Tin Woodman. "I happened to find my old  
head in your cupboard, a while ago, and certainly it is not as desirable a  
head as the tin one I now wear."  
"By the way," said the Tin Soldier, "what ever became of my old head, Ku-  
"And of the different parts of our bodies?" added the Tin Woodman.  
Let me think a minute," replied Ku-Klip. "If I remember right, you two boys  
used to bring me most of your parts, when they were cut off, and I saved  
them in that barrel in the corner. You must not have brought me all the  
parts, for when I made Chopfyt I had hard work finding enough pieces to  
complete the job. I finally had to finish him with one arm."  
Who is Chopfyt?" inquired Woot.  
Oh, haven't I told you about Chopfyt?" exclaimed Ku-Klip. "Of course not!  
And he's quite a curiosity, too. You'll be interested in hearing about Chopfyt.  
This is how he happened:  
"One day, after the Witch had been destroyed and Nimmie Amee had gone to  
live with her friends on Mount Munch, I was looking around the shop for  
something and came upon the bottle of Magic Glue which I had brought  
from the old Witch's house. It occurred to me to piece together the odds and  
ends of you two people, which of course were just as good as ever, and see if  
I couldn't make a man out of them. If I succeeded, I would have an assistant  
to help me with my work, and I thought it would be a clever idea to put to  
some practical use the scraps of Nick Chopper and Captain Fyter. There  
were two perfectly good heads in my cupboard, and a lot of feet and legs and  
parts of bodies in the barrel, so I set to work to see what I could do.  
"First, I pieced together a body, gluing it with the Witch's Magic Glue, which  
worked perfectly. That was the hardest part of my job, however, because the  

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